The Desert Leaf
An article in the April 2019 volume of The Desert Leaf details Owl & Panther’s work and recent history including quotes from Marge Pellegrino and Abby Hungwe.
The Sculpture Speaks
Mandorla books released "The Sculpture Speaks," the story of refugees fleeing civil war, violence and persecution in Guatemala in the 1980s and 90s, written by Marianna Neil and Marge Pellegrino, and illustrated by Aida Algosaibi-Stoklos.
Borderlore - 2017
The Southwest Folk Alliance staff wrote about Owl & Panther's programming and the findings of the University of Arizona's BARA report in this October 2017 Borderlore article.
Borderlore - 2015
The Southwest Folk Alliance staff wrote about Owl & Panther's background and Museum as Sanctuary exhibit in this August 2015 Borderlore article.
The Comic Book Project
Owl & Panther's work with The Comic Book Project is included in "When Commas Meet Kryptonite", "Manga High," and "I am a Super Hero."
Poets & Writers
The University of Arizona's Poetry Center invited Owl & Panther to respond to drawings by Vietnamese children in their Speak Peace exhibit. Marge Pellegrino wrote about the experience on Poets & Writers.
Real Refuge
Real refuge by Josh Morgan gives the reader an idea of what a typical Tuesday evening is like at Owl and Panther. The participants open up about their experiences and give us insight on the many struggles that refugees face.
Western Museum Association
Marianna Pegno, Marge Pellegrino, and Morgan Wells talk about the Museum as Sanctuary collaboration between Owl & Panther and Tucson Museum of Art.
O&P volunteer Rachel DeLozier is recognized by and awarded one of “Ben’s Bells” for promoting kindness and community involvement.
Writing Out of the Darkness
This inspiring anthology edited by Ann Dernier includes poems by Owl & Panther participants, volunteers, and esteemed writers including Nancy Mairs, Richard Shelton, Donna Steiner, Demetria Martinez, Ken Kennon and Meg Files. For information on purchasing, visit Antigone Books.
Tucson Weekly
In a September 2002 Tucson Weekly article Marge Pellegrino writes about the positive impact that Owl and Panther has on its participants and gives the reader an idea of how the program began.